Mathias Vestergaard Corp.

Creative Misfit

Sensing my own body: mindfulness

Published on September 30th, 2008


Mathias in the sun

In my life, projects, ideas and meetings take up a good part of my time. This is what makes my life challenging and interesting.  However, the lack of any overall schedule and the fact that almost every day I have to reinvent my life, is also what makes it rather stressful at times.

Giving a speech or a presentation is something I’ve tried several times before, however, when you suddenly have 250 listeners instead of just 30 or 40, it proved to be just a bit more stressful than it usually is.

Due to incidents like this and due to my general aim to nourrish my inner balance and harmony, I decided to take a course in meditation.  The eight weekly training sessions with lots of homework between classes are now over – so how was it?

It was definitely worth it. What I needed was a extended set of tools that I could use to manage my feelings, frustrations, overwhelming thoughts, stress etcetera. What I dicoverer? I learned simple techniques to feel my breathing and body, in order to be present in the moment.  In addition to this, I also learned more challenging techniques to sort through my thoughts.

Henceforth, the whole process of learning meditation has been like an exciting journey into myself. I’m definitely not done with it. There will be many situations in the future where I can use what I’ve learned.


See also: Written exam: Body and clothing, Undisturbed writing, Project: – a new guide to Århus,


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